
Sol Kadhi Recipe

Category : Dals and Curries | Veg/Non-veg : veg | Source : sanjeevkapoor
  • Prep Time
    2.30-3 hour
  • Cook Time
    0-5 minutes
  • Serving
  • Share

18-120 Kokum petals

7-8 Fresh coriander sprigs , chopped

1 cup Fresh coconut , scraped

4-5 cloves Garlic

2 Green chillies

Salt to taste


Source : sanjeevkapoor

1. Take kokum petals in a large mixing bowl, add sufficient hot water and let them soak for 2 hours.

2. Finely chop fresh coriander sprigs.

3. Line a strainer with a muslin cloth and place it on a bowl. Pour the kokum water into it and strain into the bowl.

4. Put coconut into a grinder jar, add garlic cloves, green chillies, salt and 2 cups water and grind into a smooth mixture.

5. Strain the ground coconut mixture into the same bowl as kokum water and mix well.

6. Pour in individual serving glasses, garnish with coriander leaves and serve.

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